S.H.E. Society comes to the rescue of migrant labourers. . . Provides free Accommodation, Medicine and Ration.


S.H.E. Society, an NGO from the holy city of Amritsar, under the leadership of her young and dynamic chairperson, Mrs. Jeevan Jyot, who has been rendering her services for the upliftment of the poor & the underprivileged, has recently adopted a slum area situated in Jalandhar (Punjab). Aabaad This slum area has about 100 to 120 Jhuggis where 1200 - 1300 persons including men, women & children, are residing under miserable and pathetic conditions. The project named “Mission AABAAD” aims at rehabilitating the people living there in dire poverty.
A step in the area and one can't believe that people can live in such conditions. This slum area is near a big drain wherein human litter and other waste falls. There is no provision for drinking water except for a single hand pump which is less than 100 feet from the drain & bored into earth at about 40 feet. The water is not fit for human consumption but these people have no other option but to quench their thirst with this polluted water. There is no electricity & people live in the dark all the time. Come winters or rain & hail, these people don't have proper clothes to shield them from the nature's fury. The children just roam here & there since no education is available to them as there is no school to educate them. The men have no work except some who work as cobblers, ear-cleaners & some who just collect the waste thrown by others. Almost everyone has to go without a day's meal since they are not even able to feed themselves or their families. The condition in this slum area is so bad that it can't be expressed in words. S.H.E. Society has undertaken the work to rehabilitate the people living there on an urgent basis. The most important step is to shift them to a better place away from this drain but till the time a place is not found to rehabilitate them, different facilities will be provided at the place where they are living presently so as to make their life better.

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